Token Merek
Brand Token
a platform that cares about the growth of the ecosystem

About Brand Tokens?
Brand Token is an all in one platform to manage all your brand token needs. Eject your ERC20 token based on blockchain-based loyalty Register on our exchange. It's easy to integrate the token into your service. Notify your clients with tokens and reward them in return.
In budget matters, the unit of note is one component of money. Something estimates are evaluated in certain cash. This gives different things to be taken at each other's eyes; for example, goods, organization, assets, liabilities, work, payments, fees. It advances benefits, incidents, danger, or assets. Unit records in budget accounting suggest words used to describe specific assets and liabilities that are represented in the monetary overview and not the units used to evaluate them. The units of note and units of measurement are now and again valued as proportional words in money and accounting problems related to money.
A brand token is a unit of record, which is created and recorded on the Blockchain. Brand tokens can be used as a center of reliability which shows that they are given by the brand and passed on to the client in return for necessary practices such as shopping, social responsibility or insinuating new clients, etc. BRND Token, an important token from the natural framework of a Brand Token, is a Token as a Service (TaaS). Associations can make their own extraordinary tokens (xB) on the mastermind of the Brand Token. With their own unique tokens, the association can adequately compensate their customers without changing their image. We help customers get progressive pleasure, better actions, and other techniques to provide significant brand analysis. All token data enables a better methodology for examination and course content, making recommendations from partners increasingly critical and reliable. The brand token is an ERC20 standard token that is provided using an open Ethereum Blockchain.
Do these tokens have real money value? If so, how many tokens are equivalent to one dollar?
Your tokens can have a monetary value, only if they are traded on the market / exchange. Only then can people buy or sell your tokens. The price / value of your token is then determined by the market, which actually means the same value as someone willing to pay for it. To find out what your token price is, check the last trade in your token market. There is no fixed value, and you cannot force it to be fixed.
How can I get more token using? The best way to use it
To collect more tokens, you can check how your favorite brands distribute tokens to their users in their subpages. Trading is another way to get more from tokens, but trading is associated with risk. You can make or lose money, so you can't trade if you don't know what you are doing.
What is the brand token technology created in the Brand token is the ERC20 standard token issued using the public Ethereum Blockchain. can give it to others, exchange it for fiat currencies such as USD or EUR, or cryptocurrency like ETH or BTC.
In budget matters, the unit of note is one component of money. Something estimates are evaluated in certain cash. This gives different things to be taken at each other's eyes; for example, goods, organization, assets, liabilities, work, payments, fees. It advances benefits, incidents, danger, or assets. Unit records in budget accounting suggest words used to describe specific assets and liabilities that are represented in the monetary overview and not the units used to evaluate them. The units of note and units of measurement are now and again valued as proportional words in money and accounting problems related to money.
A brand token is a unit of record, which is created and recorded on the Blockchain. Brand tokens can be used as a center of reliability which shows that they are given by the brand and passed on to the client in return for necessary practices such as shopping, social responsibility or insinuating new clients, etc. BRND Token, an important token from the natural framework of a Brand Token, is a Token as a Service (TaaS). Associations can make their own extraordinary tokens (xB) on the mastermind of the Brand Token. With their own unique tokens, the association can adequately compensate their customers without changing their image. We help customers get progressive pleasure, better actions, and other techniques to provide significant brand analysis. All token data enables a better methodology for examination and course content, making recommendations from partners increasingly critical and reliable. The brand token is an ERC20 standard token that is provided using an open Ethereum Blockchain.
Do these tokens have real money value? If so, how many tokens are equivalent to one dollar?
Your tokens can have a monetary value, only if they are traded on the market / exchange. Only then can people buy or sell your tokens. The price / value of your token is then determined by the market, which actually means the same value as someone willing to pay for it. To find out what your token price is, check the last trade in your token market. There is no fixed value, and you cannot force it to be fixed.
How can I get more token using? The best way to use it
To collect more tokens, you can check how your favorite brands distribute tokens to their users in their subpages. Trading is another way to get more from tokens, but trading is associated with risk. You can make or lose money, so you can't trade if you don't know what you are doing.
What is the brand token technology created in the Brand token is the ERC20 standard token issued using the public Ethereum Blockchain. can give it to others, exchange it for fiat currencies such as USD or EUR, or cryptocurrency like ETH or BTC.
In what ways can my business benefit from tokenization? A token is a heavy commitment tool, which gives your client a second wage valuation that can be properly utilized. The tenant reliability plan has a low level of responsibility and recovery - the existing client part does not have the foggiest number of centers they have. This is due to the fact that points cannot be moved and they quickly pass, which destroys clients and they lose excitement for things and long-lasting actions. With tokens they can without the extraordinary stretch exchanging their remuneration for something else, and collecting tokens from various brands to get what they need. Give them a fulfillment conclusion. Token, because of its transfer capability, also provides significant data about your clients. You can see where clients start,
Despite the transcendence of the ordination reward system, the current model is broken. Some customers will never close their concentration again and those who might find this technique foggy. Brand tokens are stable gifts and exchanges driven by blockchain. We devise dynamic new use cases and other techniques to build durability between brands and customers. With our help, brands can issue, manage and use blockchain-based commitment tokens to improve and provide better understanding, and are ideal for customers. Tokens successfully traded, were liquid, and were assessed relentlessly reducing the commitment that hung from the act of the service officer's service. Brands get insignificant exertion, a second pleasure system to keep current customers alive and attract a fairly new profiled AI. The relentless actions taken by Officeholders depend on the center, which cannot be moved or exchanged. Concentration routinely passes or swells which eventually becomes trivial and gives customers an estimate of being cheated or used. Therefore, the client loses the desire to take a course of action and brand of resilience based at the center itself.
Your token is a gift like cash, which shows that each token has a value, which you can spend as you wish. At the Brand Token stage you can also restore it for things, organizations or awards of your choice. You can offer it to others, exchange it for fiat fiscal structures like USD or EUR, or cryptographic cash types like ETH or BTC. Your token can have a monetary value, especially if it can be accessed / exchanged. At that time people will be able to buy or sell your tokens. The value / estimation of your token is then determined by the market, which really shows that it is worth the same as someone happy to pay it. To understand what your token costs, check buffer trading for your token promotion. There is no fixed value,
In what capacity can I win all the tokens that I use more?
The best strategy for using it is best to collect more tokens, you can check how your favorite brands pass on tokens to their customers in their subpages. Trading is another way to deal with safer than tokens, but trading is connected with possibility. You can get or lose your money, so you shouldn't trade if you don't have the foggiest thinking of what you are doing.
THE PROBLEM OF THE BRAND The uncertainty of the customs and gift projects is at a crossroads because of the failure to adjust and meet the needs of the client. Clients pursue a loyalty program with a desire to expand procurement capacity, immediate requirements, and simplicity of installation, but are often confronted with confusing procedures to win prizes and determine that it is increasingly difficult to spend. Instead of winning stoic clients, this dedication rewards program causes organizational misfortune in terms of revenue and clients. Some of the serious problems include a companion.
Despite the transcendence of the ordination reward system, the current model is broken. Some customers will never close their concentration again and those who might find this technique foggy. Brand tokens are stable gifts and exchanges driven by blockchain. We devise dynamic new use cases and other techniques to build durability between brands and customers. With our help, brands can issue, manage and use blockchain-based commitment tokens to improve and provide better understanding, and are ideal for customers. Tokens successfully traded, were liquid, and were assessed relentlessly reducing the commitment that hung from the act of the service officer's service. Brands get insignificant exertion, a second pleasure system to keep current customers alive and attract a fairly new profiled AI. The relentless actions taken by Officeholders depend on the center, which cannot be moved or exchanged. Concentration routinely passes or swells which eventually becomes trivial and gives customers an estimate of being cheated or used. Therefore, the client loses the desire to take a course of action and brand of resilience based at the center itself.
Your token is a gift like cash, which shows that each token has a value, which you can spend as you wish. At the Brand Token stage you can also restore it for things, organizations or awards of your choice. You can offer it to others, exchange it for fiat fiscal structures like USD or EUR, or cryptographic cash types like ETH or BTC. Your token can have a monetary value, especially if it can be accessed / exchanged. At that time people will be able to buy or sell your tokens. The value / estimation of your token is then determined by the market, which really shows that it is worth the same as someone happy to pay it. To understand what your token costs, check buffer trading for your token promotion. There is no fixed value,
In what capacity can I win all the tokens that I use more?
The best strategy for using it is best to collect more tokens, you can check how your favorite brands pass on tokens to their customers in their subpages. Trading is another way to deal with safer than tokens, but trading is connected with possibility. You can get or lose your money, so you shouldn't trade if you don't have the foggiest thinking of what you are doing.
THE PROBLEM OF THE BRAND The uncertainty of the customs and gift projects is at a crossroads because of the failure to adjust and meet the needs of the client. Clients pursue a loyalty program with a desire to expand procurement capacity, immediate requirements, and simplicity of installation, but are often confronted with confusing procedures to win prizes and determine that it is increasingly difficult to spend. Instead of winning stoic clients, this dedication rewards program causes organizational misfortune in terms of revenue and clients. Some of the serious problems include a companion.
BRAND SOLUTIONS Research has shown that giving clients more independence and alternatives as far as the structure of dedication, adaptation when to reclaim, applicable infrastructure, computerized reclamation, fast channels, and mazuma such as Token Rewards will successfully handle market issues. With the help of blockchain innovation, the necessary settings can be provided. Brand token is a building instrument that strengthens the sodality and organization to issue and handle tokens that are marked by them. Issue brand commitment tokens on the open Etherchain Blockchain. Not at all like a relentless center, tokens are considered to be relentless and can be exchanged and transferred between customers. Brands can provide compensation to their clients, as is the case with the center. Customers can make tokens for limit points, things, and organization. They can exchange it for cryptographic mazuma types such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Brands can use their tokens to get incipient customers or give gifts to unobtrusive clients for purchases, responsibilities in the administration of a web-determined system, support in events or sharing their data. At the same time unlike other existing loyalty programs, we offering increased levels of adaptability, computerized reclamation, and mazuma allied gifts. Our answer is extraordinary because we were the first to take this step in the ordination business. With our exceptional blockchain management, organizations will have the option to create their tokens in the Brand Token organization. With tokens that were recently created,
ABOUT OUR ICO The Tokens Brand platform plans to conduct an ICO to raise funds for future product development. Investing in a brand is always a good idea, but can be very risky. What about investing in thousands? Minimize risk and become a Brand Token investor - the first global multi-brand loyalty application. Why should you invest in BRND?
ABOUT OUR ICO The Tokens Brand platform plans to conduct an ICO to raise funds for future product development. Investing in a brand is always a good idea, but can be very risky. What about investing in thousands? Minimize risk and become a Brand Token investor - the first global multi-brand loyalty application. Why should you invest in BRND?
- Limited supply, rising prices
- Exchange listings are guaranteed by
- Experienced International Team
- Buy back from profit, see business models in whitepapers
- Subscribe for free premium for brands that risk 1mln BRND tokens
ROAD MAP2020Q1 ● Brand tokens OU Company was established in Estonia as a software and technology company. ● A new website that allows Sign-Up for Brands and Users with the opportunity to subscribe to favorite brand tokens. ● PreICO is open to internal clients (limited edition only 100 million token). Q2 ● An election system for users to decide which Brands they welcome on the platform. ● ICO 400 million tokens in distribution. ● The first 1,000 Brands in the system. Q3 ● Application mock-ups xB for beta testers and early adopters.Q4 ● Open platform for every company, massive on-boarding. ● Marketing offering, brand growth and user base. ● Launching Marketing Automation Tools for Brands.2021Q1 ● Profiles supported by AI,new quality in Marketing Automation. ● Platform development. Q2 ● ICO Round 2. ● Market intensive marketing. Q4 ● BRND Token registered on the exchange platform. ● Buy back BRND token for the first time. Platform development.
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Username chrisana
Ethereum address:0x86828268f7BcAd710e1D0B9deCFC64eA94bF4644
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