Illuminati Coin

 Lumintoken is the first platform to coordinate research participants from around the world in a secure manner.

 lumintoken is a platform that promotes bounty campaigns. This is a place where everyone can find and participate in the bounty campaign. We solved a problem with an unusable, buggy and unreliable existing bounty platform. We have a mission to change the way people work. We are building a platform that will bring trust and transparency back into the world of bounty campaigning by providing an environment where everyone can safely participate in this community while also making money. lumintoken is a platform that allows users to run bounty campaigns and manage them in a fully automated way, creating a dedicated community that provides support and services for the project. It also allows projects to manage their existing bounty campaigns and have access to a platform with various tools that will help them improve their campaigns. outreach. lumintoken is the future of bounty campaigns. We send tokens to people who complete certain tasks on our platform. They can use these tokens to crowdfund their projects, as well as gain access to all kinds of rewards by earning more tokens.

Features provided by Illuminati Coin

Illuminati Coin with its democratic system provides various features that make it not only a crypto with the best monetary mechanism but also rewards its users for their participation through staking. And not only that, there are several other features of Illuminati Coin:

  • Smart contracts: users will be able to see that all their transactions will be secured using smart contracts and that includes user voting. This is to ensure that all user activity is not manipulated.
  • Continuous Development: users through the proposal will be able to provide their ideas to bring metaverses, develop chains, and various other things to develop. It all depends on the user's vote, if the user agrees it is likely that Illuminati Coin will bring the metaverse to this ecosystem.
  • No Centralized Authority: users will be able to participate in voting systems that do not allow centralized authority.
  • Easy to Buy LUMIN Tokens: users can buy LUMIN tokens through PinkSale in collaboration with Illuminati Coin easily and safely.

Illuminati Coin is a cryptocurrency launched with a DAO mechanism. Here users will be able to participate in Illuminati Coin by voting system. In this way, Illuminati Coin will be able to create a cryptocurrency with the best and most transparent monetary mechanism. All monetarist practices will be left to the community and later the community has the right to vote. This will make Illuminati Coin a cryptocurrency with the best monetary practices, which will eliminate central authority or tax/algo transactions that are damaging to the economy. All this thanks to the DAO which is the core of Illuminati Coin and makes the platform decentralized. All policies will be carried out through a voting system, starting from proposals, rewards, etc., this will require review and voting from the community. The Future of Bounty Campaigns. We provide solutions to problems encountered in bounty campaigns. We are currently working on developing a system that will solve the problems encountered in the bounty campaign. lumintoken is a platform that makes it easy to run bounty campaigns. It helps you attract new customers and promote your ICO, products and services to people all over the world. The platform allows users to manage their bounty campaigns, manage their payouts and follow their bounty hunter results in real time. Blockchain Solution for Bounty Campaigns, supports multi-currency, multi-language, This platform is a set of tools that make life easier for bounty campaign managers and bounty campaign participants. http://lumintoken. com/ is a platform that provides solutions for all blockchain-based companies, startups and projects that need to run a bounty campaign. This will be the place where you can find all the resources and tools you need to run a successful bounty campaign. lumintoken is an AI powered platform that helps you run bounty campaigns that generate high quality traffic and convert that traffic into customers.

We are happy to announce that we will be releasing an update to our bounty campaign page soon. We hope this update will answer any questions you may have about the future of our bounty campaign and will help clear up your concerns about the end of the bounty campaign. Please keep in mind that we will never ask for payment of any kind to receive our tokens, and we will only post information on our official blog, which can be found at Thank you for your continued support, we hope You are as excited as we are to start the next stage of our project! We hope you enjoyed reading our article on the future of bounty campaigns. As the developer community grows,

Many cryptocurrency ICOs give out prizes to attract more attention to their projects. They give away free coins in exchange for social media posts, likes, retweets and other marketing activities. They also give free coins to people to test their platform or to write reviews about the project. But what about the future of the bounty campaign? While they can be a very effective way to spread awareness, they don't have much of a future in the long term. While they work well in the short term, they are not sustainable in the long term. I think the future of bounty campaigns will be decentralized platforms. A platform where reward managers can post gifts, users can view them, and if they choose to collect them, they can do it. The platform will be part of the blockchain where all payments will be made. This will help prevent situations where the bounty manager does not pay the bounty hunter. The platform will also be able to verify if the user has actually done the job.

Token Sale

It is planned that the $Lumin Token will be sold through a token sale program that will be held in the future at PinkSale. By participating in this token sale program, users will be able to get $Lumin Tokens at a lower price than before the token was launched on the market and this will benefit users who invest early. To participate in this token sale program, users can read more details on the website and see more fully what requirements the user must meet to purchase this token.



Lumin Coin wants to present a token with the best monetary system that will involve the community through voting. Lumin Coin will provide best monetary practices, which will not allow centralized authority or tax/algo transactions that damage the economy. With various features such as stakes, liquidity providers, etc., it will empower users by providing fairly high rewards. So with what Lumin Coin has to offer, it will be the best token in the crypto market with the best monetary system and empowering its users.

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by chrisana link url;u=2633297


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