
 INDDAIS is a deflationary DeFi token for diversity, inflation hedge, and huge potential returns. 

 INDDAIS is a deflationary DeFi token with a fully functional ecosystem that allows users to receive IND rewards. The INDDAIS Protocol has a Burn Function which encourages IND Token Holders to Burn their IND Tokens. There is an Upper Limit or Cap on the supply of IND Tokens, which once reached, will no longer print new IND Tokens.

Inddais is a community-based, high-principle cryptocurrency that aims to provide transparency in profit distribution by integrating timed yield fields and liquidity-locked smart contract vaults in its ecosystem. Inddais is the first cryptocurrency of its kind that empowers you to experience the highest power of blockchain technology by providing transparency, security and simplicity. We do not adopt risky market trading or crypto exchanges for profit, Inddais token is fully backed by mining which we have implemented worldwide loaded with high configuration tools and customized high performance software applications from our years of research and development.

Your investment in Inddais token does not have to face market luck or risk to continue to grow as it is fully backed by the best technology foundation we have laid. In this way, crypto users don't have to be afraid of market conditions, by holding Inddais tokens, any crypto investor can navigate all kinds of market conditions safely.

This will help control the inflation or deflation of IND Tokens. IND tokens can be used to purchase products and services within the INDDAIS ecosystem. IND tokens are also available on major exchanges for trading. IND Token holders can also stake their IND Tokens for more rewards. The INDDAIS protocol is built on top of the Ethereum blockchain and is ERC20 compliant. Visit our website to learn more about how you can use INDDAIS TOKENS to support your DeFi project.

The INDDAIS token is a utility token to be used in the INDDAIS ecosystem. The INDDAIS project has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) INDDAIS. The INDDAIS token will be used to support the INDDAIS ecosystem and allow its users to access various features and services within the INDDAIS ecosystem. The INDDAIS project is an open source project supported by the community. The INDDAIS token sale is the first step in building the INDDAIS ecosystem.

The INDDAIS team is focused on creating a decentralized ecosystem that will be used by individuals, businesses and organizations. The INDDAIS token sale will fund the development of the INDDAIS ecosystem. The INDDAIS ecosystem will be built on the Ethereum blockchain. The INDDAIS token is an ERC20 compliant token that will be stored in the user's Ethereum wallet.

The INDDAIS team is committed to building a fair, transparent and decentralized ecosystem. The distribution of funds from the INDDAIS token sale will be used to build the INDDAIS ecosystem. The INDDAIS team has limited access to funds in the dividend deposit contract to ensure a fair distribution of profits for all participants in the INDDAIS ecosystem. You can learn more about our team, our projects, and our token sale by visiting our website or reading our whitepaper. Thank you for your continued support!

How does it work?

Farm and vault contracts complement Inddais tokens where token holders are required to seed their tokens on the farm to receive their share of the profits stored in the vault.

Dividend Vault — Contract Inddais Dividend Vault (dINIS) is a place to transfer income generated from our business activities and which is further distributed among INIS token holders

Total Supply & Limits — The total supply of native tokens (dINIS) from the vault contract is one hundred tokens (100 tokens), which represents the percentage of the total used when calculating the user's share of the vault's BNB balance. There are only two holders of DINIS tokens, one is the Owner, and the other is the Farm. Owner transfers all DINIS tokens to Farm before Season Start

Dividend Payment- Whenever the contract receives a transfer request from the Plantation, it multiplies the amount of dINIS requested by the contract's BNB balance and divides it by the total balance of the Garden's dINIS. The contract then transfers the amount of BNB arriving based on this calculation to the Farm. The final beneficiary of the transfer from the vault is the Inddais user who has seeded his token in the Farm and requested to harvest the Proceeds.

Dividend Payment = (BNB Vault X balance of requested dINIS tokens) / dINIS Agriculture balance

Seeding & Harvesting — Users deposit (seeds) INIS tokens on the farm to receive dividend vault tokens (dINIS) as bonus (yield). The vault contract calculates the BNB equivalent value of the dINIS yield based on a set dividend payout formula and transfers the BNB when the user makes a request to withdraw the yield (harvest) from the Farm. The number of INIS tokens seeded by the user, the total seed created by all INIS users, and the duration of the token seed (calculated in seconds) in the farm are factors used to calculate the user's net yield


INIS adds value to your crypto portfolio by delivering impeccable transparency, liquidity and prosperity.

Placed on top of the BNB Chain

INIS is bound by the BEP-20 standard and is in the BNB chain which is known for its scalability, speed and security.

Transparency Delivered

The underlying smart contract stores all transactions that change state without exception to ensure transparent tokennomics.

Inbuilt Sales Facility

We understand the changing financial cloud, and therefore when needed, you can directly exchange some of your tokens for BNB coins.

Futuristic Implementation

Incentive burning function and top cap mint function will enable us to control inflation or deflation efficiently.

Locked Liquidity

We have restricted access to funds in dividend-holding contracts to yielding agricultural seeds to ensure a fair distribution of profits.

Simple Yield Farm

The profit from a yielding farm is directly proportional to the growing vault balance, the number of tokens seeded, and their duration.


Soon Inddais will be listed on a leading crypto exchange service. To buy it at a base price of 0.001 BNB/INIS, here are the options:


1) Visit our official website

2) You have to install MetaMask plugin and some BNB in ​​it

3) To buy tokens, visit   and for seed tokens visit

Please watch this video to find out   How to Buy & Plant Inddais tokens


1) Download our official APP from Play Store:   Inddais Wallet  .

2) Create a New BNB Wallet or Import your existing wallet.

3) Click “Buy INIS”, select the number of tokens you want to buy.

4) The token is transferred to your address immediately after confirmation.

5) Visit the "FARM" tab. Click “Add Seed”, enter the number of tokens you want to seed.

6) Tokens are seeded immediately upon confirmation.

7) Swipe down to refresh and see your BNB result increasing every minute.

* iOS version coming soon

* Inddais wallet is non-custodial, so your private keys don't leave your device.

INDDAIS is a decentralized automated digital data and asset management system. INDTOKEN seeds can be purchased with any INDX, INDT or ERC-20 tokens. INDTOKEN is the internal currency of INDDAIS. One INDTOKEN entitles the owner to 1 GB of data storage on the decentralized INDDAIS network for one year. The more INDTOKENS you have, the more data you can store on the INDDAIS network.

Selling tokens is not Inddais' main job. We issue tokens to get a financial boost so we can stay ahead of the crypto mining race and make the most of it. However, that doesn't mean we won't get anything without a token sale. And that's why you don't see catchy ads or fancy ROI promises here. We are not "GO TO MOON GUYS" and are happy with the steady growth we have at BUMI. So people who contact me for Marketing or Promotion, please have a clear presentation. But before all that, feel free to visit my website, video presentation, whitepaper, and articles on our sub-reddit. If you feel INDDAIS deserves to be promoted and if you believe you can make a difference in spreading the word, I am open to discussing @amvlive and waiting for GOOD IMPRESSION. If not,

The price of INDTOKEN is determined by the INDDAIS Tokenomics algorithm and the free market. When you buy INDTOKENS, you buy access to the INDDAIS decentralized network for one year. You can resell your INDTOKENS at any time on the open market.

The value of your INTOKENS will increase as the demand for storage on the INDDAIS network increases.”Farmers” who “seed” their “vault” with INDTOKENS get Passive INCOME in the form of new INTOKENS every day. The number of new INTOKENS farmers earn each day is directly proportional to the number of tokens they “seeded” in their “vault”, as well as, the number of days those tokens have been “seeded”.

dr. Mayilvahanan Arumugam


Dr. Mayilvahanan Arumugam, is the founder & CEO of Inddais Crypto Ltd, holding a UG degree in computer science, an MBA in finance and a doctorate in Microeconomics. Being an expert coder in all verticals and an economist with the aim of transferring financial self-sufficiency from hypothesis to implementation, his rich knowledge in the subject and balanced business strategy will no doubt propel Inddais towards lasting success and growth.

A decentralized economy is not in conflict with any authority; it is simply an aspiration towards impartial availability.


The Inddais token is the foundation of the INIS ecosystem which is loaded with first-class features such as maximum decentralization, transparency, immunity to inflation or deflation, easy to handle, profitable and even easy to liquidate when needed. The following is a set of rules that control how Inddais tokens work.

For more information

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Mobile App :   https:// play
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